Sunday, July 20, 2008

Spanish Music


Del Fandango Al Joropo

In the mid 1700's the Venezuelan peasants refered to social gatherings and family reunions as joropo instead of using the word "fandango"used in Spain to refer to the flamenco songs and dances. Borrowing from the fandango dance and song and mixing it with the turns and holding hands of the waltz, the joropo was born.

Joropo like the Venezuelan people represents many cultures by using elements of europe,africa and native. From europe, the way words are used to tell a story based on the life of its people. String instruments like the harp and cuatro accompany the words bring european elements. Then, the rhythms from africa come to play in the presence of drums of many musical colors. Last but not least, the native part of the Venezuelan culture is represented by the maracas.

Joropo is not only music but also a dance and a way of life. In festivities, people dance to the rhythm of joropo from different regions. Different regions use different dancing styles reflected by the instruments used and the way the joropo is danced. The joropo hasthree main steps used: el joropo valseado (Waltzing Joropo), El joropo escobillado and the joropo zapatiado.
El Joropo valseado is at the beginning when the couple embrace each other and do waltz turns in a rapid manner. Next, the couple face each other and moving their feet making short avances while the partner moves backwards making what appears to be sweeping moves. The third one, el zapatiado, is done mainly by the male figure while the female continues with el escobillado.

There are several joropos depending on the the regions such as el joropo llanero, el joropo central,el joropo oriental, el joropo centro-occidental and the joropo from the andes region.

So, how can we tell the different joropos? well, for so people who do not know anything about this style of music it might sound all the same. To the Spanish speakers there are differnces such as the instruments use to play the joropo in their respectiv regions. One such example is the joropo from the flat lands-Joropo Llanero. This joropo is played with harps with nylon strings or a bandola llanera, cuatro and maracas.

El Joropo Central is played using harp with metal strings,maracas, buche (voice) and no cuatro is used.

In el Joropo Oriental you can hear the guitar, bandolin (mandolin) and sometimes the accordion of many sizes are used. This type of joropo is also known as el golpe.


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