There many ways to prepare food. The same is true for rice. I have eaten many times Mexican rice which has been prepared in different ways.In this post, I'll attempt to give you some of the ways ways I've seen it made. I will let you decide which one is the one you like best.
Ingredientes para Arroz Mexicano:
Dos tazas de arroz largo en vez del corto
Cuatro tazas de caldo de pollo o agua
1 diente de ajo grande o 1 1/2 dientes
1/4 de cebolla mediana o la mitad de una pequeña
Cuatro o cinco cucharadas soperas de tomate triturado crudo fresco o enlatado
1 cubito de caldo de pollo
Aceite de oliva
Un puñado de guisantes frescos o congelados
Sal al gusto
1. Se mezcla bien y se deja sofreír durante unos minutos.
2. Cuando el arroz está listo y el tomate ha tomado el color que nos indica que está frito, se añade las cuatro tazas de caldo de pollo, los guisantes y la sal al gusto. Se mezcla un par de veces y lo dejamos a fuego medio.
Cuando vemos que el caldo está casi evaporado, se apaga el fuego y se tapa la cacerola para que termine de cocerse por unos diez o quince minutos o hasta que este listo. El resultado debe de ser un arroz suelto.
The same recipe in English for those of you who are not fluent in Spanish.
Ingredients for the Mexican Rice
2 cups of long grain rice
4 cups of chicken broth or water
1 large clove of garlic or 1 1/2 medium size cloves
1/4 medium onion or 1/2 small onion
4 or 5 tablespoon of crushed fresh tomatoes or canned tomatoes
1 chicken bouillon
Olive oil
A handful of fresh peas or frozen peas
Salt to taste
1. Mix all ingredients well and let them sauté for a few minutes
2. When the rice is done and the tomatoes have the color of fried tomatoes, add the four cups of chicken broth, the handful of peas and salt to taste. Stir a couple of times and let cook on medium fire.
3. When the broth has been evaporated, turn the stove off and cover the pan to allow the rice to cook for approximately ten to fifteen minutes or until the rice is cooked. As a result, you should have a rice that is fluffy and loose.
I'll be back with other recipes for the Mexican Rice in future posts. In the meantime have fun trying new foods.
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