Many people get toguther in small places called churrerias to visit and eat churros together.
When you order churros in Spain you get a cup of thick hot chocolate and a plate topped with hot churros.
Some people say that the custom of eating churros dates back to the XIX century when people sold churros very cheap at fairs. Thanks to the americas for the chocolate,we can now eat churros with chocolate. So, if you go to Spain or other countries see if you can find a place to seat and try these delicious churros with chocolate.
6 porciones
4 tazas de agua (4 Cups of water)
3 1/2 libras de harina para torta (3 1/2 lbs of cake flour)
1/8 libra de mantequilla (1/8 lb of butter)
Sal y Ron al gusto (salt and rum to taste)
En un recicpiente hervir el agua, la mantequilla, la sal y el ron durante 5 min. Incorporar la harina y mezclar constantemente. Retirar la mezcla del fuego y colocarla en un batidora para eliminar los grumos.
(Boil water add butter,salt,rumfor for 5 minutes. Add flour mixing constantly. Retired from heat and pour into a mixer to eliminate any lumps)
Depositar la mezcla en una manga pastelera con boquilla de estrella y hacer churros de aproximadamente 20 cm. Freir los churros y pasarlos en un cama de azucar y canela en polvo hasta que queden totalmente cubiertos.
(Place the mixture in a sleeve with a star tip to make the churros with an approximate length of 20 cm. Fry the churros and place them on a tray with sugar and cinamon until all covered.)
2 Latas de leche evaporada (2 cans evaporated milk)
1 Vainilla en rama (1 vanilla pod)
2 clavos de olor (2 cloves)
1 Cucharada de Maizena (1 TB cornstarch)
1 Cucharada de leche(1 TB milk)
1 libra de chocolate (1 lb. chocolate)
1 lata de leche condensada(1 can condensed milk)
Hervir la leche evaporada, la vainilla, y clavos de olor. Retirar del fuego y agregar la maizena y la leche. Añadir esta mezcla al chocolate hasta que se derrita y luego incorporar la leche condensada y mezclar.
(Boil evaporated milk, vanilla,cloves. Take away from the fire and add cornstarch and milk. Add this mix to chocolate until it melts and later add condensed milk and mix)
Servir 3 churros en un plato acompañado por una taza de chocolate caliente.
(serve 3 churros on a plate with a cup of chocolate)

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