According to tradition, a presbyter called Honesto arrived in Roman Pamplona in the 3rd century. He had been sent by San Saturnino, who was also known as San Cernín,to evangelise the city. While in Pamplona, he converted a senator named Firmo and his family to the Christian faith. Firmo's son named Fermín was christened by San Saturnino at the place now known as the pocico (the little well) de San Cernin and was ordained into the priesthood in Toulouse (France).
At the age of thirty one, Fermin went to preach in Galia at first and nex to Aquitania, Auvernia and Anjou; much later, in Amiens,where he baptised more than 3,000 people and ended in carcerated, tortured and decapitated on September 25th.
Fermin's body was buried in secret by some christians until it was discovered on January 13th of the year 615, in San Salvio . His remains were transported to a nearby city with beautiful gothic architecture of the 15th century.
According to tradition, San Fermín was the first Bishop of Pamplona, although his veneration is not recorded until the 12th century thanks to litanies from Amiens, in which he appeared from the 8th century onwards. San Fermín is now co-patron saint of Navarre with St Francis Xavier, and is also the patron of boot makers, wine traders and bakers.
Every year from July 6th through the 14th, the San Fermin festivities take place in Pamplona. It is a festival known for the Enclosure-bull run through the old part of the city among other things. At noon on the 6th, the Chupinazo begins the festivities of San Fermin. The inauguration begins with the mayor standing at the City Council balcony calling out: "¡Pamploneses! ¡Viva San Fermin! ¡Gora San Fermin!. Next, the fuse of the rocket is lit up and at the moment when the explosion sounds thousands of people holding red handkerchieves cheer, sing, dance,drink and spray Champagne celebrating the occasion.
Everyday the enclosure will take place with bulls from different ranches. On the 7th the enclosure will start with the bulls from Conde de la Corte Ranch and will end with bulls from the Núñez del Cuvillo Ranch . As in years past PETA and AnimaNaturis will protest by representing bull skins and wearing stabbed with the banderillas used in bullfights at the doors of Plaza de Toros. On saturday the 13th at 1 p.m. they will remain on the floor representing the death of 50 bulls this year wearing the banderillas on their backs and smeared with artificial blood.
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