Saturday, July 26, 2008
Kerepakupai merú- Venezuela
The Kerepakupai merú is also known as "Angel's Falls" (Salto Angel). Kerepakupai merú is the pemon tribe's name to this beautiful falls.
Kerepakupai merú is the highest in the world, with a height of 979 m of which 807 m is uninterrupted.This falls is generated by the waters of Churún river from the Auyantepuy. It is located in the National Park Canaima in Bolivar State, Venezuela. On June 12, 1962, the National was established and declared World Heritage Site in 1994 by the UNESCO. The Canaima National Park covers a great territory extending to the borders with Guyana and Brazil.
The name given by the Pemon Kerepakupai-merú means "The fall to the deepest place" («caída de agua hasta el sitio más profundo»). It's discovery is a matter of disagreement since some historian attribute the first discovery to Ernesto Sánchez, an explorer in 1910 who notified his discovery to the Ministery of Mines and Petroleum in Caracas. Other historians attribute the "discovery" to an Armada captain Félix Cardona Puig, who in 1927, together with Mundó Freixas, mapped the area all the way to the Auyantepui. Cardona's articles and Maps made Jimmy Angel curious. So curious indeed that Jimmy Angel got in contact with Cardona to make various visits to the Falls in 1937. On the 21st of May,1937, Cardona accompany Jimmy Angel to a fly over the falls. In September of that same year, Jimmy Angel insisted on landing at the top of the Auyantepuy. In doing so, he caused the plane to get stuck. Because the plane landed safely without any of its passengers getting hurt, the locals decided to name the falls after Angel.
As a result, the name better known today is that of Angel's Falls. To the pemons, Kerep is the name of the river and Kerepakupai merú the name of the falls.
For many years people were in the mistaken impression that the Falls name wrongly Churún-merú, but this name belongs to a smaller falls of approximately 400 meters height located at the end Devil's Canyon (Cañón del Diablo). Nowadays, the fourth highest falls in the world.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Spanish Music
Del Fandango Al Joropo
In the mid 1700's the Venezuelan peasants refered to social gatherings and family reunions as joropo instead of using the word "fandango"used in Spain to refer to the flamenco songs and dances. Borrowing from the fandango dance and song and mixing it with the turns and holding hands of the waltz, the joropo was born.
Joropo like the Venezuelan people represents many cultures by using elements of europe,africa and native. From europe, the way words are used to tell a story based on the life of its people. String instruments like the harp and cuatro accompany the words bring european elements. Then, the rhythms from africa come to play in the presence of drums of many musical colors. Last but not least, the native part of the Venezuelan culture is represented by the maracas.
Joropo is not only music but also a dance and a way of life. In festivities, people dance to the rhythm of joropo from different regions. Different regions use different dancing styles reflected by the instruments used and the way the joropo is danced. The joropo hasthree main steps used: el joropo valseado (Waltzing Joropo), El joropo escobillado and the joropo zapatiado.
El Joropo valseado is at the beginning when the couple embrace each other and do waltz turns in a rapid manner. Next, the couple face each other and moving their feet making short avances while the partner moves backwards making what appears to be sweeping moves. The third one, el zapatiado, is done mainly by the male figure while the female continues with el escobillado.
There are several joropos depending on the the regions such as el joropo llanero, el joropo central,el joropo oriental, el joropo centro-occidental and the joropo from the andes region.
El Joropo Central is played using harp with metal strings,maracas, buche (voice) and no cuatro is used.
In el Joropo Oriental you can hear the guitar, bandolin (mandolin) and sometimes the accordion of many sizes are used. This type of joropo is also known as el golpe.
Paco De Lucia : Percussion Flamenca
Paco De Lucia : La Castorcita
Saturday, July 12, 2008
July Festivities-Festivales en Julio
Around the Spanish speaking countries there are many festivals that take place in July. In Spain there is the annual feria. It is said by many of my friends that this festival lasts a whole week. There are two fairs a day fair and a night fair. During the fairs people can enjoy the paella and lots of Spanish music.
I have been told that that on the evening of July 16th the residents of Estepona celebrate la Virgen del Carmen. Her statue is carried through the town and then placed on a boat that has been decorated with flowers and lanterns. Then all those present pray for the fishermen lost at sea and for for still going out to sea to fish everyday.
Masses are give every evening from the 13th of July until the 16th with offerings. Once the blessing finish, la Virgen Del Carmen statue is carried back to the church.
In Mexico there many festivals in July like the Guelaguetza in 2007. The Guelaguetza is a presentation of dances, music and folklore by delegations from each of the seven traditional regions of the state of Oaxaca, presented in the open air amphitheater on the Cerro del Fortin (Hill of the fortress) overlooking the city of Oaxaca. It takes place on two Mondays in July from about 09:00 to 1:00 am and the weather is always perfect on those mornings. The exact date of the two Mondays is based on the ancient calendar for the feast of the goddess of tender corn, modified by the catholic spanish to the feast of our lady of carmen which is July 16. Thus it is the two Mondays AFTER July 16, except when July 18 (anniversary of the death of Benito Juarez) falls on Monday and then the first Lunes del Cerro or Guelaguetza would be on July 21 and the second on July 28. The festivities begin on the feast of Carmen (July 16) and continue until after the second monday.
On July 5th, the Declaration of Independence Day was just celebrated In Venezuela. On the 24th, Venezuela will celebrate Bolivar's birth. Although, in a letter to his cousin Fanny du Villars, Bolivar reassured her that he was born on July 25th but because that day was the day of San Santiago his birthday was moved to the 24th.
This photo is Bolivar's birthplace in the Plaza of San Jacinto in Caracas, Venezuela. Others state that Bolivar was born in San Mateo and was registered in Caracas. If you think that spanish speakers have long names look at Bolivar's name as given to him at birth: Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar de la Concepción y Ponte Palacios y Blanco. What about that! I would like to see how many computers deal with this name.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Fiesta de San Fermin ,Saint of Navarre

According to tradition, a presbyter called Honesto arrived in Roman Pamplona in the 3rd century. He had been sent by San Saturnino, who was also known as San Cernín,to evangelise the city. While in Pamplona, he converted a senator named Firmo and his family to the Christian faith. Firmo's son named Fermín was christened by San Saturnino at the place now known as the pocico (the little well) de San Cernin and was ordained into the priesthood in Toulouse (France).
At the age of thirty one, Fermin went to preach in Galia at first and nex to Aquitania, Auvernia and Anjou; much later, in Amiens,where he baptised more than 3,000 people and ended in carcerated, tortured and decapitated on September 25th.
Fermin's body was buried in secret by some christians until it was discovered on January 13th of the year 615, in San Salvio . His remains were transported to a nearby city with beautiful gothic architecture of the 15th century.
According to tradition, San Fermín was the first Bishop of Pamplona, although his veneration is not recorded until the 12th century thanks to litanies from Amiens, in which he appeared from the 8th century onwards. San Fermín is now co-patron saint of Navarre with St Francis Xavier, and is also the patron of boot makers, wine traders and bakers.
Every year from July 6th through the 14th, the San Fermin festivities take place in Pamplona. It is a festival known for the Enclosure-bull run through the old part of the city among other things. At noon on the 6th, the Chupinazo begins the festivities of San Fermin. The inauguration begins with the mayor standing at the City Council balcony calling out: "¡Pamploneses! ¡Viva San Fermin! ¡Gora San Fermin!. Next, the fuse of the rocket is lit up and at the moment when the explosion sounds thousands of people holding red handkerchieves cheer, sing, dance,drink and spray Champagne celebrating the occasion.
Everyday the enclosure will take place with bulls from different ranches. On the 7th the enclosure will start with the bulls from Conde de la Corte Ranch and will end with bulls from the Núñez del Cuvillo Ranch . As in years past PETA and AnimaNaturis will protest by representing bull skins and wearing stabbed with the banderillas used in bullfights at the doors of Plaza de Toros. On saturday the 13th at 1 p.m. they will remain on the floor representing the death of 50 bulls this year wearing the banderillas on their backs and smeared with artificial blood.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The Declaration of Independence in Venezuela

As the Junta dissolves a republic emerges with Cristobal Mendoza as its president making him the first president of the Republic of Venezuela. In the meantime, Bolivar, Miranda and many others pressure congress into listening to them and not wait any longer for Spain's decision regarding its colony. In Carlos Garcia Arrieche's book, it is written that Bolivar took the stage and delivered his first political speech urging congress to stop waiting for Spain's indecision on whether to sell the slaves to Bonaparte before considering the colonial requests. It is also said that Bolivar posed the famous question "Is it not enough three hundred years of peace?("¿Trescientos años de calma, no bastan?"). Due to the pressure by the Patriotic Society, the congress decreed on July 5th the Independence of Venezuela. Although, it is said that the signing took place that evening but the actual document was finished few days later. This was just the beginning of many battles in one of many fronts for Bolivar. In the personal front, Bolivar started by freeing his slaves. This action was followed by other prominent families. Then, he learnt of his brother's death by drowning in a shipwreck and later his family's disagreement with his politics and actions. On July 14th 1811, Miranda returns from his expeditions with what became the tricolor flag that represents Venezuela today. When the news of the declaration of Independence reached Spain, the Royalists in Spain and Venezuela began the counter-revolution. The battle for Independence had just begun!